Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Russians Respond to Donald Trump's Greenland Proposal

"This is especially interesting because it drives a wedge between him and Europe, it undermines the world architecture, and opens up certain opportunities for our foreign policy," MIkheyev said, adding that if Trump "really wants to stop the third world war, the way out is simple: dividing up the world into spheres of influence."

Stanislav Tkachenko, a top academic at the St. Petersburg State University also voiced his support for Trump's discussion of buying Greenland and said that Russia should "thank Donald Trump, who is teaching us a new diplomatic language."


  1. Again, makes strategic sense to have control over the west and east entrances to the Northwest Passage.

    1. The details of how to do it is the problem!

    2. Also the Russians and Chinese are seeing this as a precedent. China can buy Taiwan. Russia can buy back its old soviet empire

    3. And if China offered Taiwan a price it would accept, there's be little controversy.

    4. Greenland belongs to Denmark, dude.
      Look, there has always been one vulnerability to democracy - in the absence of a constitution prohibiting it, a democratically elected government could sell the country. Why not?

    5. And if Russia offered USA or Canada a price it would accept! Nonsensical reasoning from the MAGA world

    6. That has always been one vulnerability to totalitarian government the dictator can sell the country.
      Only in the fantasy of a MAGA can you do anything you want. .He should annex Israel and get the Nobel prize i

    7. Obama got the Peace price before he even did anything in office.
      Then under his watch the Syrians used poison gas, Libya collapsed and China took over the South China sea.
      Trump engineered a massive peace deal between Israel and multiple Arab countries while slowing iran down through threats and sanctions,. But no Peace price for him!


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