Monday, December 2, 2024

COVID-19 and the Swedish enigma - the elderly were sacrificed for economic reasons

In the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Swedish national response continues to be an outlier with cases and deaths increasing more rapidly than in its Nordic neighbours.1,2 On Dec 20, 2020, COVID-19 deaths in Sweden had reached more than 80003 or 787 deaths per 1 million population, which is 4·5 to ten times higher than its neighbours.1–3 This difference between Nordic countries cannot be explained merely by variations in national cultures, histories, population sizes and densities, immigration patterns, the routes by which the virus was first introduced, or how cases and deaths are reported. Instead, the answers to this enigma are to be found in the Swedish national COVID-19 strategy, the assumptions on which it is based, and in the governance of the health system that has enabled the strategy to continue without major course corrections.

With this gradual approach, the number of COVID-19 deaths in Sweden peaked during the first wave at 102 reported deaths (7-day rolling average) on April 21, 2020,3 at a higher level and with slower decline than in the neighbouring Nordic countries, reaching a low in early September, 2020.1,3 Rather than anticipating the second wave and change course, the Swedish Government loosened restrictions in early October, 2020, increasing the numbers that could attend public events from 50 to 300 and allowing people older than 70 years to meet with family and friends.14

Many critical voices have been raised about Sweden's national response to COVID-19 and its failure to achieve its objectives to flatten and shorten the curves of cases, hospitalisations, and deaths.4,15 The Corona Commission (Coronakommissionen), appointed by the Swedish Government to review the national COVID-19 response, has focused initially on the situation among older people.16 On Dec 15, 2020, the Corona Commission concluded that “the single most important factor behind the major outbreaks and the high number of deaths in [elderly] residential care is the overall spread of the virus in the society”.16 In addition to the failure of the COVID-19 strategy, there are other unresolved structural factors related to the organisation of the care of older people in Sweden.


  1. The figure in the paper is actually 8000 deaths.
    The 3 at the end is a reference number, but has added another order of magnitude on the paste here.
    At the time, Israel had a population of approximately 9 million, and Sweden around 10m.
    Sweden lost approximately 27k lives up COVID, whilst Israel lost 12.7k
    The Swedes relied on herd immunity, whilst Israel took measures, lockdowns, vaccinations.
    Generally the middle east did better than the west.
    Turkey lost less than half of the number that the UK lost, despite having almost 28m more people.

    1. That should be 20m more ...

    2. Sweden relied on voluntary social distancing and did not close schools. It sacrificed the older population in order to keep schools and businesses open

    3. Lies, damned lies and then statistics

      See, the problem is in what you focus on. How many died of CoVID? How many died of lockdowns? No one ever looks at the other number but it's not small. Sweden did way better than anyone expected and in the end put up a great performance.
      Same with Florida vs California. Florida had an initial surge and then settled in while California maintain a ruinous and socially destructive lockdown that cause tremendous collateral damage.

    4. As I said these places sacrificed the elderly for open schools and businesses. You obviously think it was worthwhile I don't. It is not the problem of statistics but a value judgment

    5. In the UK also. They moved people with the virus into elderly care homes for no reason whatsoever.


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