Sunday, November 17, 2024

10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife - voters fell for a conman

Trump’s solution—deport millions of illegal immigrants. That’s it. Round them up and deport them. Yes, it’s a despicable approach that soundly crosses the threshold into the realm of “inhumane," not to mention would likely slam into many legal and constitutional boundaries, but it was also something else - simple. Just so simple. That is why that approach caught on. Swing voters wanted a simple policy they understand, that will provide the veneer of safety, even if it’s based on an illusion. It's a campaign. It doesn't matter if it's feasible or not.


  1. This is woke talk. Having so much mercy on illegals that you can't send them where they came from and instead letting them displace workers in the U.S. There is such a thing as law and order.

  2. Aside from cruel, indiscriminate mass deportation would be economically disastrous.

  3. This will not happen for a few simple reasons
    1) How to find them all? These migrants are spread out across the US. Finding them will require a huge investment in time and manpower which is very expensive. No one will be thrilled with "We'll catch them only for only 12 billions dollars!"
    2) Where to send them? What, Mexico is just going to open its side or the border and say "Sure, send 'em back here"? Not going to happen. Do they just get dumped at the border at left there? Put on planes and boats and dumped at ports in South America?
    3) How to replace them? Right now these people are one reason that Americans can afford most basic goods, especially food. They work for slave labour wages. Replacing them with Americans working at even minimum wage will cause prices and inflation to shoot up, the exact opposite of what Trump wants.
    A better plan: Find these people, offer them money to leave and if they don't, put them on a path towards citizenship


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