Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky- Evolution


We must invoke the well-known story about Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky zt”l on the plane. Although there are already several versions, the undisputed facts seem to be that the great rosh yeshiva sat on a plane to Eretz Yisroel next to a secular Israeli politician. Rav Yaakov’s son and grandchildren took wonderful care of him on the flight, making sure that he was comfortable and filling all of his needs. The non-religious Israeli, who also had family on the trip, was puzzled. “How come,” he finally inquired, “your children and grandchildren attend to you as if you were a king and mine have disappeared for the past nine hours?”

Rav Yaakov smiled in his kindly way and inquired, “It would seem from our discussions of the past few hours that you believe in the theory of evolution. Is that correct?” The man responded, “I don’t know what that has to do with anything, but, yes, of course. Most intelligent people today do. But why do you bring that up now? We will be landing soon and I just wanted to know how to get my family to act like yours.”

The rosh yeshiva’s retort has become one for the ages. “You see,” he softly explained, “we believe that the greatest moment in our national history occurred in the year 2448 after creation when the Torah was given. Each generation that was closer to that event is greater than the next because of its proximity to the holiness and power of that experience. Therefore, my children and grandchildren look up to me as a link to that astounding episode. You, my friend, on the other hand, believe and convey to your family that we are all descendents of apes. You think that mankind has been evolving for eons to ever greater heights and intellectual capabilities. Therefore, they see you as just one step closer to those monkeys, so why indeed should they give you any respect? If anything, following your own beliefs, you should give them honor and respect.”

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