Saturday, August 10, 2024

Trump stokes fears with ‘unconstitutional’ Harris talk

Trump has repeatedly sought to cast Harris replacing President Biden as the Democratic nominee as nefarious, likening it to a “coup” and in recent days claiming it may be unconstitutional because she was not atop the ballot in the primary process. 

Biden and other Democrats, as well as some Republican Trump critics, have suggested the former president’s rhetoric is intended to cast doubt on November’s results should Harris prevail.

“We know one thing for sure. Trump never loses. And so if he’s not the winner of 2024 as in 2020, it must be because he was treated unfairly, yet again,” former Trump national security adviser John Bolton said on CNN.


  1. Trump gave Iran the bomb - your memory is obviously biased by Trump syndrome.!
    thanks for raising your list of What About irrelevancies

    1. Trump withdrew from the jcpoa agreement. That's not giving.
      You could argue that anyone who didn't bomb Iran, have them the nuclear weapons capacity.

    2. the agreement was widely viewed as stopping their production of the Bomb. When you remove the brakes - what happens?


      The Biden admin has been infiltrated by Iran. Malley is a double agent, and was suspended.

    4. Yes, apparently Trump re-imposing sanctions on Iran, cutting off much of their funding and killing Solemeini was actually all to Iran's benefit and helped them far more than the billions that Obama and Biden gave them while protecting them in the international arena.
      Next we'll learn that recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was actually an unbridled act of anti-Semitism.

    5. When Cyrus the great allowed Ezra and his friends to rebuild the beit hamikdash it was also anti-semitic. Look at all the people who opposed it and tried to stop it.

    6. Yes, the teshuvos that disappeared from history.
      The ones I'd most like to see
      1) All the rabbinical authorities in Bavel who told Ezra that the time wasn't right, that according to their calculations the exile wasn't over, that he was forcing the hand of the nations, etc.
      2) All the rabbinial authorities who forbid the printer press because it was an innovation

    7. Garnel when are you making Aliyah

    8. Garnel Did Trump's actions actual delay more than the Treaty or actually make a difference at all? All your "proofs" are simply wishful thinking
      . Why not simply acknowledge that there are different approaches - none of which ultimately can stop Iran. In other words neither Obama or Biden or Trump gave Iran the Bomb They simply tried to stop it in different ways

    9. The previous leader, Khomeini, made a "psak" saying that nuclear weapons are assur according to their quranic law. However, they are ready to violate or find a "heter" to build one, they already have the ingredients ready, they just need to put it together.
      Maximum pressure such as what Trump was applying may well have cracked the regime. Also the Biden admin did nothing to support the protestors in 2022, whereas had they tried to intervene they may have succeeded in overthrowing the regime.

    10. Obama openly admitted he was delaying, not denying Iran the bomb. The agreement cearly states that when it ends, if Iran wants they can develop the bomb.
      And seriously, you think Iran was holding by the agreement?

    11. Wow and because Trump claimed he was stopping the Bomb it was stopped and not delayed? As I said before it is a difficult situation without a clear cut answer

    12. Trump imposed sanctions which crippled Iran's economy and forced it to slow down its research. Unlike Obama, he also didn't threaten to attack Israel if Israel hit Iran's nuclear program.
      Again, Trump might've only delayed it but Obama fully expected it to be done.

    13. Crippled but they still continued terrorism and making the Bomb. Just typical Trumpian lies. His wishful thinking is more important than reality

    14. As opposed to Biden who handed them billions (which they used to finance October 7) and allowed them to fill his administration with Iranian spies.

    15. It was Iran's money and he didn't give them aid as you are claiming.

  2. heritage foundation - source of project 2025 is clearly an objective source

  3. So you claimed Trump's sanctions stopped Iran from getting the bomb?!

  4. Biden did not allow Iranian spies - another Republican fantasy

    1. Biden Harris admin selling out mossad agents to Iran

    2. KA great source of Truth Fox News citing an anonymous Iranian official = FAKE NEWS

    3. An unnamed source in Iran's Supreme National Security Council told Kuwaiti newspaper al Jarida that a high-ranking American security delegation, mediated by Oman, secretly traveled to Tehran, the Kuwaiti paper wrote on Wednesday.

      Fox News reported that the delegation allegedly sought to deliver messages to Tehran in order to de-escalate the tensions in the region between Iran and Israel, al Jarida noted in their reporting of the story.

    4. Wouldn't be the first time they tried to sell Israel out. But hey, you support them. You must hate Israel.



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