Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Haredi draft ideology debunked by looking at Torah laws - opinion

What remains possible, and necessary in this moment, is to defiantly distinguish haredi ideology regarding military service from authentic Torah ideology. To rigorously reject haredi dogma on this matter and debunk haredi distortion of religious sources. To me, doing so is no less an obligation for the sake of the “honor of Torah” than it is an emotional and social imperative.

THERE ARE four pseudo-foundational concepts that haredi ideologues cite in defense of their refusal to participate in “carrying the burden” of military service.


  1. Back in the heyday of the Jewish blogsphere, Cross Currents published a sarcastic piece in which they listed the steps in how Open Orthodox psak is done. A quick summary: Find the answer you want. Cherry pick the sources that support it.
    I pointed out (back then they hadn't yet banned me) that Chareidi psak is the same. Fine the answer you want. Cherry pick the sources that support it.
    If one reads all the stuff justifying not serving in the army, it follows that pattern.

    1. Honestly, I only follow this blog for you comments. The hist checked out and talking to him is like no one's home. "Nope", he is says like a real intelligent.

  2. Because the J post is the authority on halacha, unlike the Gedolim? 🤣


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