Sunday, July 21, 2024

Project 2025 shreds American values

On the left, the refusal by some to clearly stand up to radicals such as antisemitic and pro-Hamas protesters, advocates of defunding the police, and the open-borders movement has done substantial damage. However, on the right, there is no clearer example of the threat to American values than Project 2025.


  1. Okay, so let's go through the four pillars and see if they indeed shred American values:
    1 )restoring the family as the centerpiece of American life - hmmmm, nope. Not unless your dream version of America is a socialist hellhole intent on becoming a clone of China or the USSR where parents are just guardians while "the state" tells your children what their beliefs and values should be.
    2) dismantling the administrative state - hmmmmm, nope. As Ronald Reagan said: government isn't the solution. Government is the problem. Self reliance and local solutions to local problems is very American unless your dream version of the US is a socialist hellhole where your every move is controlled by the government to make sure you make "the correct" choices.
    3) defending the nation's sovereignty and borders - hmmmmmm, nope. Very American to defend the borders and control access to the country. Unless your goal is to rig the vote by flooding the country with tens of millions of illegal refugees and then give them the right to vote, but only if they vote Democrat.
    4) securing God-given individual rights to live freely - nothing more American that that. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    So please, DT, explain to me how any of these shred American values?
    And if you are still sick with TDS, remember - the same anti-Trumpists who you worship and who feel that these pillars are anti-American, will eventually come to the yeshivos and insist that they have Drag Queen Story Hour and Pride Month celebrations if they want to stay open. Are these your friends now?

  2. Great. now we have to deal with the wicked witch of the west. Fun

    1. Who said there are fine people on both sides when it comes to Israel and Gaza and who's also skipping Bibi's speech.

  3. Trump thinks the only fine people are those who vote for him or are willing to discard democracy to make him happy

    1. "Discard democracy?" What does that even mean?? Do you mean that the ends justify the means, sounds a lot like the democratic party.


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