Sunday, June 2, 2024

"Trump derangement syndrome" is real — but it's not what they say it is

We can apply the diagnosis of TDS to the man-child himself or his followers, but not those of us over here in the reality-based community. If we react reflexively to Trump, it's because he lies reflexively, claiming that he's got good ideas and is the man for the job. He’s proven, time and again, that he’s not the man for any job. Now he increasingly speaks of himself in divine terms, which as many experts agree is terrifying, whether it represents genuine delusion or just another cunning maneuver to draw his cult members in even deeper.

Applied to those who see him for who he is, TDS was always a psychological projection. But it is real — and it's a clear and present danger.


  1. If a man can call himself a woman, you can deny you're obsessed with hating Trump I guess

  2. We can apply the diagnosis of anti-Semitism to the vile nation itself or its allies, but not those of us over here in the reality-based community. If we react reflexively to the Jews, it's because they lie reflexively, claiming that they've got good ideas and are a light unto the nations. They've proven, time and again, that they're not any light unto anyone. Now they increasingly speaks of themselves in divine terms, which as many experts agree is terrifying, whether it represents genuine delusion or just another cunning maneuver to draw their cult members in even deeper.

    Applied to those who see them for who they are, anti-Semitism was always a psychological projection. But it is real — and it's a clear and present danger.

    1. Wow! Conflating anti-semitism with criticism of Trump

    2. Conflating one irrational hate with another.

    3. Why is criticizing a criminal , fraud, liar, sexual abuser and someone trying to undermine democracy irrational?

      You view it as rational to attack Bragg for sins he hasn't done yet you say it is irrational to point out the clear evidence against Trump?!!!

      Please tell me how you understand the word irrational?

  3. Twistelton-TwisteltonJune 4, 2024 at 4:56 AM

    Irrational is the frum community's love of Trump. Who has been incredibly INEFFECTIVE in enacting conservative policies. And is just about the only republican who can possibly lose to Biden. Nor is he a particulate lover of Jews. While he himself isn't anti Semitic, sure has a lot of friends who are. Which he dosent seem to care about. And as far as Rabbi Millers morality issues, not much diffrent between him and Biden. Pro Gay Rights, and not exactly anti abortion.

  4. Twistelton-TwisteltonJune 4, 2024 at 4:59 AM

    One more point. Historically, Jews do not do as well under dictatorships as democracies. Under dictatorships, king wakes up on the wrong side, and out with the Jews. Does ANYONE think it is inconceivable that Trump will sell Israel out. For a Nobel Peace Prize, or some other reaosn.

    1. At least Trump was considered competent enough to stand trial. Not like Biden.

    2. Wow! his redeeming characteristic he convinced a jury he was a criminal

    3. Nixon's administration was rife with antisemitism, but they backed Israel in the Yom Kippur war (although there is a safeik if Kissinger encouraged Egypt to attack). The USA has backed Israel, look at the massive arms they have given recently. Trump was the man who moved the Embassy to Jerusalem, and started the new peace treaties. It was the Carter admin that sold out the Shah of Iran, and brought the evil khomeini regime into power.

    4. As a non-American, you have to ask a single question: Which president would run a more pro-Israel administration. You may be right about Trump on a personal basis but given his record, he would be a better president for Israel than any Democrat right now. And Israel can't afford to be choosy.

    5. So you are convinced Trump really cares about Israel more than himself?
      Trump would sacrifice anyone or anything to get the Nobel Peace prize!!!


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