Friday, June 7, 2024

The world’s largest 3D printer is building cozy homes from wood

The new printer can produce objects as large as 96 feet long by 32 feet wide by 18 feet high and can print up to 500 pounds per hour. Dagher says that the goal is to be able to print 1,000 pounds of material in an hour. At that rate, it could reproduce the BioHome3D in 48 hours, he says.

If they can reach that target, their 3D-printed homes will be “very competitive with current housing construction costs,” he adds.

But it can be difficult to process wood materials at such a high speed. Even ASCC’s record-breaking printers sometimes jam. While printing BioHome3D, for example, the printer stopped working due to a dust buildup. “Nobody’s ever done this before with these kinds of materials,” says Dagher.

1 comment:

  1. Except that using wood kills trees and we need trees to save us from global warming.


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