Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Jewish problem with Trump supporters saying his guilty verdict was ‘rigged’

Namely, that delegitimizing American courts out of personal or partisan sentiment is pulling not just the rug but the very floor out from under the republic. Just as the results of elections — whoever wins — must be respected by the citizenry, the decisions of courts, especially when there is the option of appealing to higher courts for proper redress, are, or should be, sacrosanct.

It might be too much to ask of any of us to not feel upset at losing a court case. The Talmud asking a losing litigant to sing happily is describing only an ideal, after all. But disappointment in any particular verdict is mere bathwater. It’s essential to hold the baby tight.

1 comment:

  1. Except . . . It actually was rigged. Not in the illegal sense but in the sense that another in his shoes wouldn't be subject to the same harsh outcome. Granted, however, it is Trumps own fault in the sense that one should not enter politicians unless he is ready to have his whole life scrutinized under a microscope.


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