Thursday, June 13, 2024

Shouting match ensues between senior Arab officials at Blinken meeting

Towards the end of the meeting, the UAE's foreign minister, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, responded by saying that he had not seen any significant reform in the Palestinian Authority, the sources said.
At the meeting, the Emirati foreign minister called the Palestinian leadership "Ali Baba and the Forty Bandits" and claimed that senior officials in the Palestinian Authority are "useless" and therefore "replacing them with each other will only lead to the same result."

1 comment:

  1. Here's how to understand how most of the Arabs view the so-called Palestinians.
    Let's say one day you get a new neighbour. You take an immediate dislike to him. Also, you were hoping your friend who move in but this guy outbid him and got the place. You automatically hate him.
    You try to make it hard for him to move in. You try to vandalize his property to drive him out but it goes nowhere.
    So you buy a dog. A miserable mutt from the pound. You teach it to do its business on your neighbour's property. You teach it to bark whenever he's around and to try and bite his kids.
    No dice. No matter what, your neighbour stands his ground. He sprays the dog with skunk juice if it gets to close and then you have to deal with the smell.
    And over time you start to realize - your neighbour's not a bad guy. Takes care of the property. In fact, it's the nicest place in the neighbourhood. And you realize that your friend wasn't much of a friend so you're actually quietly glad you have this new neighbour. You'd like to make friends with him.
    But you have this dog and the pound won't take him back.
    What do you do now?


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