Monday, June 3, 2024

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: 'Ben Shapiro only fired Candace Owens because of me'

Let’s be clear. Not only did Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro fail to speak out and their silence became deafening, but they actually did speak out and they defended her. Dennis Prager has been a friend and mentor to me for three decades. Our friendship has been severely tested by his choice to proactively defend the foremost female antisemite in America. I was shocked when he did that, and we discussed it. I said, ‘Dennis, I fear that you have forever stained your legacy. In the past, your legacy was being a champion of Israel, a champion of Jewishness, and now you’re defending the foremost Jew hater in America. A woman who says that Israel is genocidal, a woman who promotes the idea that Jews drink the blood of Christians. A woman who says that Jews control Hollywood and run sex rings there.’ She is psychotic, and he is defending her. Even worse, though, is Ben Shapiro. At the very least, Dennis Prager didn’t make money from it, but Ben Shapiro profited and we don’t even know how much. I’m guessing to the tune of millions of dollars because for two years after knowing what Candace Owens was, for two years after she came out and defended Kanye West, who said he loved and proclaimed Hitler, Ben Shapiro continued to profit from her daily broadcast.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like R' Boreach is trying to sound more relavent. The reality is that conservatives believe in free speach as an ideal and therefore are less rash to fire someone and turn them into a martyr symbol. Owens first tweet upon being fired was something about finally being free from two masters (??Ben and God??). The resounding confusion was that she could have quit at any time. Imagine, though, he actually fired her promptly, without waiting and having her cross several more red lines.


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