Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Jamaal Bowman was a Democratic Trump. Now he’s gone

Bowman will soon be gone, and good riddance. There will inevitably be more like him; the right has no monopoly on bullies and demagogues. But it’s an encouraging sign that, at a time when the country is losing its collective mind, there is still a critical mass on the left who can say: Stop.


  1. Trumps biggest weapon is that he is hilarious. No one compares.

  2. Wow! So you want a President who is entertaining?! Incompetent as a leader - moral or political. Confused about reality and a chronic liar. Extremely delicate Ego. Loves ruthless dictatorship, Favors the very rich etc etc as long as he makes you laugh?! While Romans had their circus and gladiators ,Republicans have Trump! Why not just get a subscription to Netflix

    1. Well said. However, the lefts success at sensoring the right and striking fear into the right has caused deep deep anger. E.g., BLM can riot and burn cities down and that fine, dress up in blackface 25 years ago and be retroactively cancelled, have a women accuse you of rape from 50 years ago and u are ineligible to be a SC justice, etc. Trump is the mouthpiece of the right, he speaks against these anti-common sense policies and "social justies" policies and suffers terribly from it. That's why the more the left persecuted Trump the more the right sees how much he is necessary as the only hope to stem the great police and silencing power of the left. It is also why Trump can only platform as a victim. In my opinion, a huge failure of his 2020 platform is that he overplayed himself as a victim which is difficult considering he was simultaneously the leader of the USA.

    2. You think rape has a statute of limitation? Does that apply to Nazis and Arabs? that is not commonsense but old fashion stupidity!

      Having Confederate soldiers as heroes is important to you also?
      Cancel culture is done more often by the right than Left.
      Victims are wonderful as long as they are white gun owners not migrants or Black. It also helps if they are rich

    3. Of course rape has a statute of limitations. If it's a Democrat, the limitation is immediately after the act has finished. Ask Bill Clinton about that.

    4. Who asked to try Bill Clinton for rape?
      How is this comparable to the Trump case?

    5. Nothing Trumpian about him in any way. He's just a squaddie anti-semite, good riddance to such dung.
      Trump is unique, in British politics, he claimed that Boris Johnson ws Britain's Trump, but Johnson distanced himself from this remark. There is another fellow Nigel Farage, who was helping Trump in America, but runs a political party in UK . Even he does not have the same size following as Trump.
      That is why you are so afraid of him.

    6. Even as a negative force Trump is unique?!

    7. There is the group of populist demagogues which Trump is a charter member. Being unfairly convicted I share victimhood with all the Blacks. Bowman acted similar to Trump on many issues -appealing to prejudice.

    8. Whether you consider trump to be good, bad or indifferent, his success at getting such a strong following outscores anyone else on the political scene. I'm not singing about his virtue, only that he is a very powerful political force.

    9. When Moshe rabbeinu breaks the Luchot, is he according to the Gemara akin to oved avoda Zara, for breaking something in anger 🤬?


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