Monday, June 24, 2024

Forget 'peace,' did Abraham Accords set stage for Israel-Gaza conflict?

 The resulting Abraham Accords were, at least in the neoconservative world, considered a stroke of “genius.” Rather than finding a solution to the seemingly intractable question of Palestinian statehood, it simply sidelined it.

But the Palestinian issue could not simply be wished away, and the signing of the pacts created a set of contradictions that fueled the tensions that erupted October 7. The vast majority of the populations of Israel’s Arab neighbors opposed the accords, as did some leaders, like Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, who charged that the signers had “lost their moral compass,” and Jordan’s King Abdullah, who declared that “no architecture for regional security and development can stand over the burning ashes of this conflict.”

So did Palestinians themselves, across opinion surveys, with both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas calling it a “betrayal,” a “treacherous stab,” and “grave harm.” Hamas also called for “an integrated plan to bring down normalization.” Protests against the accords erupted in Morocco, one of the signers.


  1. Two things set the stage for Gaza
    1) The so-called Palestinians becoming more irrelevant to their Arab brothers. Forget the Turks, they're not Arabs. They look down on the Arabs and see them as savages to be used as a weapon against Israel. Same as the Iranians. The leading Arab countries themselves are tired of the so-called refugees and want to move on with engaging with Israel.
    2) Obiden's obsession with being nice to Iran emboldened it as the neighbourhood bully and gave it the green light to do anything without fear of reprisal.

    1. nonsense! Even Trump's State Department predicted violence from the Palestinians. Biden is not obsessed with being nice to Iran
      It is clear that without the Abraham Accords
      oct 7 would not have happened

    2. DT: "without the Abraham Accords oct 7 would not have happened"
      This is a kind a fairy story you are creating to malign Trump - because you see him as worse than Soton, at least Soton is not an independent reshus, whereas trump you think is worse.

      Oct 7th did not happen because of the AA, and nor did the accords enable it. in fact, Biden enabled it, as his administration put pressure on israel to allow more work visas for gazans, who were all hamas agents carrying out reconnaissance missions in Israel.
      It also happened because Israeli military intelligence is a corrupt and inefficient organisation which buried all reports and observations of strange activities on the gaza side of the border.
      It also happened because of the Bibi coalition being too fixated on the judicial reform, and lost control of their military. Because of the Hareidi and RZ parties trying to get military exemptions and clogging up government resources. Because of the left wing protests, and boycott by miluimniks of the army, causing a fall in manpower. Because of previous incursions under Olmert and Bibi not finishing off Hamas and allowing them to rebuild their capabilities. Because Bibi was too focussed on his own criminal probe that he was not fit enough to run the country properly. because Liberman warned the government 7 years prior that this scenario could happen, but the Establishment ridiculed him as an outsider and nonconformist who was not a high ranking military man.

  2. So both are necessary? As in, but for Obiden as president, said Gaza conflict would likely not have occurred?

    1. When you have Trump Derangement Syndrome, the world is very simple. Anything positive he accomplished either is actually negative - 3% unemployment, oh but the wrong types of jobs, moving the embassy to Jerusalem will cause massive Arab riots - or was not due to him at all - Project Warp Speed for the CoVID vaccine, the Abraham Accords.
      The idea that he's a complex individual with both good and bad achievements is incomprehensible to such simplistic thinking.

    2. "Complex individual with good and bad accomplishments"

      Isn't that every president ever?


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