Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Exasperated Biden Spokesperson Swats Away Trump’s ‘Silly’ Drug Test Demand

Trump, after setting the bar quite low for Biden by questioning his acuity, has recently reversed course by priming viewers to view the president as on some sort of stimulant. This about-face has been dutifully echoed on Fox News and other MAGA-friendly outlets. Similarly, Trump and his allies pushed the baseless narrative after Biden’s State of the Union address back in March.


  1. I don't doubt that Biden is drugged up for performance. With his dementia, he has good days and bad days but there's no other way to explain how he sometimes mumbles and bumbles his way through a speech and other times outdoes Churchill for oratory.
    The reason for all the rules at the debate is simple: he'll be prepped and drugged up enough to present well but would wither under a sustained attack by Trump so that will be prevented.

    1. More nonsense You start withy a faulty premise and then concocted an unbelievable explanation.

      What is this drug that cure dementia? - Trump needs a large dose now,
      Your good and bad days conjecture is simply absurd. It is equivalent to someone saying there are aliens all around us but they disappear when you look at them - so it is impossible to actually see them

  2. Being that debates are more of a sports skill than content, I see no reason why this should be any different than all official sports requiring drug tests to
    Prevent unfair advantages. Except that the left doesn't care about unfair advantages in competitive sports (i.e. trans in women sports) so I guess they are consistent.


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