Sunday, June 16, 2024

Balancing Bitachon and Hishstadlus is Not Easy

 Michtav M’Eliyahu (01 page 187) And those who think that everything they strive for almost all their days is truly for heaven's sake, they should examine themselves, to see if a spiritual thought comes to them in the middle of their troubles in their business, or rather it is the thought of their business which comes to them in the middle of prayer? ... From two sides the evil inclination attacks. If he increases his efforts entirely according to the demands of his business then he is a heretic since he is lacking in bitachon but if he absolutely minimizes the amount of effort for parnossa he is rebelling against the words of our Sages. Finding the proper balance of effort and bitachon is not easy or clear since it depends on his free-will. It is impossible to find the true balance without properly utilizing pure Fear of Heaven free of biases. The correct point was not even revealed to Moshe


  1. "The correct point was not even revealed to Moshe"
    because Michtav M'Eliyahu has nothing to do with Torat Moshe LeSinai

  2. Pretty easy to tell what the balance is.
    Government wants to draft you? Have bitachon that you are the true defenders of the state because you learn Torah.
    Government comes to draft you? Drop all bitachon and run out to the streets to protest because apparently Torah learning does not protest you from that.


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