Monday, June 24, 2024

Argentina: Less inflation, more poverty under Milei

Economist Hernan Letcher, director of the Argentine Center for Economic Policy, takes a more critical view. He believes the victims of Milei's deregulation policy and austerity measures are ordinary people, not what Milei has described as the "caste."


  1. As Mr. Ironheart has repeatedly pointed out, both sides claim to have data, both sides have skelotons and fringe groups, both sides claim to have the best interests of the "American people" (I hate that term) in mind. Why then, Rabbi Daas Torah, do you favor the democratic "data" and utterly reject the right's viewpoint?

    1. What right wing talking point am I to acknowledge -
      Trump won the elections?.
      Jews run the world?
      Trump is a stable genius?
      Russians are good?
      Conservatives love Jews more than liberals
      Trump tried to stop the Jan 6 mob?
      Neo Nazis have some fine people?
      Biden is a senile anti-semite?
      Soros - the Jewsish Nazis is the evil force behind the woke culture
      Biden is the worst president while Trump is the best ever?
      bottom line blatant lies are more typical of Republican "data" so being a lazy person I criticize the obvious!

    2. Trump won the elections?. Maybe. We'll never know. Point is to concentrate on 2024 to prevent another steal.

      Jews run the world? Don't we? I mean, the same news services you rely on for info about Trump say we do.

      Trump is a stable genius? He's still around and running ahead in the polls, isn't it?

      Russians are good? No, and their women are snobs.

      Conservatives love Jews more than liberals Absolutely. Haven't you been paying attention? Who's making up the mobs rioting against Israel?

      Trump tried to stop the Jan 6 mob? No, that's a liberal claim that they then announce is a lie. Trump never told the mob to be violent. And that's on video.

      Neo Nazis have some fine people? He didn't say that. Watch the video. He says "I'm not referring to the Nazis when I said that. I condemn them"

      Biden is a senile anti-semite? Senile, yes. Anti-semite, no but his administration is rife with thtem.

      Soros - the Jewsish Nazis is the evil force behind the woke culture Yes, plenty of proof for that.

      Biden is the worst president while Trump is the best ever? Carter's the worst. Reagan's the best.

  2. Those are minor, important points are the future. Will we focus on DEI over success, particularly with the threat of China who isn't burdened with civil justice. One party can support transitioned men playing in women's sports even though it completely and obviously destroys the competitiveness of the sport for all women other than the trans. But no, these individuals are more important than everyone else and the sport itself. If one party COMPLETELY IGNORES common sense in one area, how can ai trust them for far more substantial matters. That is why I have been steadily veering right.

    The thing I like about Trump specifically, is that he has a very healthy dose of common sense. He isn't the greatest strategist or statesman, but his heart is in the right place - provided his ego does not get in the way.

    1. "He isn't the greatest strategist or statesman, but his heart is in the right place - provided his ego does not get in the way."

      His heart is in the right place but it always gets displaced by his ego and narcissism -but you don't care as long as he makes the right promises which you know he won't keep - like replacing Obamacare or having Mexico build the wall or winning so much that you get tired of it or cleaning the swamp by making it part of his business plan or having Covid disappear by injecting bleach or giving Russia any part of the Ukraine it wants or eliminating abortion by letting each state decide what it wants or being the greatest pro-gay president ever or saving the whales and stopping cancer by banning wind turbines or having clean coal by carefully washing it. Or supporting law and Order as long as it doesn't interfere with his business or followers or the soldiers who die fighting for their country! or eliminating the wasteful practice of voting - because he will tell you who the winner is - in spite of the vote or eliminate hurricanes by nuking them. Many more examples of his failure to deliver on major promises

    2. I hear what your saying about Trump. Could be politics corrupted him/he learned to survive you need to be dishonest. Being a politician is a very hard job, you need to pacify the masses which include the crazies. 90% of the frum are red because of Israel and social issues. I am curious what the number would be if Israel was no longer a concern?


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