Friday, May 24, 2024

Rabbinical court imposes million-shekel divorce payment on husband, citing ketubah

The 34-year marriage came to an end after years of harassment and surveillance by the man who apparently suspected that his wife, identified by Hebrew media on Tuesday only by her first Hebrew initial “Aleph,” was cheating on him.

The suspicion, which the court found to be groundless, came despite Aleph having taken care of the man over many years while he suffered from health problems, including cancer, even donating a kidney to save her husband’s life.

The court, in response to the husband’s “unprecedented ingratitude,” ordered him to pay his wife the full sum specified in their ketubah: one million shekels, to be paid immediately.


  1. Does anyone ever actually pay a Kesubah? How much is 200 Zuz anyways?

    1. Many Sefardim negotiate a dollar/shekel amount, which is entered as the agreed upon sum, in the event that the husband divorces his wife for unjustified reasons.

  2. “Rabbinical court imposes million-shekel divorce” Interesting. Allow me my letter to TIAA/Susan yesterday: “3. Yes I did include my $45 check #5681 dated May 12, 2024 along with my motion, notice of motion (return date May 27, 2024), affidavit of service papers. The check is outstanding. Maybe next week I'll hear something.
    4. It's a fact I made Aliya July 8, 1991. Did I abandon Susan? Properly that's a legal conclusion a judge can rule after a trial. The 1996 AD2 ruling had no mention of Susan's abandon charge. Judge Pesce said the separation action was ongoing. I claim bogus order of separation March 7, 1995 in my SCOTUS filings. The AD2 1996 ruling correct on facts. Were crimes committed? Who cares? To see if a crime committed, a trial is necessary. My case is simple. TIAA must pay me 100% of my TIAA pension.”


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