Thursday, May 30, 2024

After strict instructions, Trump jury begins deliberations

During the morning court session, Justice Merchan delivered a variety of guidelines, advising jurors not to base their decisions on biases or the criminal convictions of other witnesses in the case.

Most crucially, he spelled out in detail prosecutors’ complicated felony case against Mr Trump. They claim he falsified a reimbursement to his fixer for the hush-money payment with the intent to conceal other crimes: violations of state and federal election laws and tax laws.

He told the jury that prosecutors do not need to prove these secondary crimes, nor do jurors need to be in agreement on which specific one Mr Trump committed. They must reach a unanimous verdict on each of the 34 counts, however.

From the start, the defence has denied any wrongdoing and sought to cast doubt on testimony from the prosecution's key witness - Mr Trump’s former fixer and convicted felon Michael Cohen - in an attempt to disprove the larger case.


  1. Michael Cohen has been the amazing part of this. Until now, discredited, a liar, a crook, a horrible person. And suddenly - wait, he can testify against Trump? A truth teller, a decent person, an upstanding citizen we can all believe!

  2. So I assume you're sponsoring a gala kiddush at shul on Shabbos?

    1. Wht?
      It is a sad day for America that a former president is clearly a criminal


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