Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Biden's Criticism of Israel Ignites Backlash From Republicans

A handful of Republican lawmakers have denounced President Joe Biden for criticizing Israel's handling of the war in Gaza, as some Democrats continue pressing him to shift his own approach to the six-month conflict.

1 comment:

  1. The best explanantion I ever heard for Biden is:
    Biden sees Israel as the US' little brother. Biden really does care about Israel and wants what's best for it. But he's an overbearing big brother who wants to control the little brother's life and decisions to make sure he doesn't make any mistakes and refuses to give any respect to the little brother's opinions because, well, he's the little brother so he has to listen to the big brother and do what he says.
    Balance that with Biden's need to cater to the Jew-hating vote in the upcoming election if he wants to win certain states and this is a big mess for Israel.


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