Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Bitachon requires training

 Netziv (Shemos 15:25) And there they were tested.  G-d wanted every generation to be accustomed to the activity of making a living. So that his heart would not become faint when he sees a lack in his home, and this is called a trial. And while that generation obviously did not need to be taught His providence, for they saw everything with their eyes. But the lesson was only for the later generations, who needed to be taught so  that their heart should always be steadfast, because at the last moment he will sense that G-d is giving him advice so he will not die of hunger and thirst

1 comment:

  1. The Torah already had the concept of Learned Helplessness thousands of years before Seligman published his theory, and Netziv apparently was providing a sort of remedy


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