Saturday, March 23, 2024

Amulets - Protesting Against

 Melamed Lhoil(2 63:1) Question: Should objections be raised against those who hang tablets in the room of a new mother which contain oaths and there is concern for the prohibition against magic (darchei Emori). Answer: It is an established practice to make various kamiyas (amulets or charms) [See ShulchanAruch (YD 179 OH 25 and 334:14] And even for those who don’t believe in them and similar practices it can still bring benefit since it comforts those who do believe in them and helps them recover. Therefore you should not object if this is done. Furtermore we have a rule that all things done for cure are not considered magic (darchei Emorei Shabbos 68a)


  1. we have a rule that all things done for cure are not considered magic (
    _ except when it comes to alternative medicine such as healing energy, chi, acupuncture etc 😀

  2. My father, a"h, used to say that God gave us a Torah that tells us that we have a direct relationship with Him without the need for an intermediary and that there are no short cuts in Creation if you want to impress Him. And the Jews have been trying to undo all that ever since.


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