Monday, February 12, 2024

Trump Is Telling Us He’s an Enemy of the American People

In other words, as outrageous as Trump’s comments were this past weekend, what is most shocking about them is that they have not and will result in his immediate rejection by the members of his party. And, therefore, the goal in November must not be just to defeat Trump, but to decisively defeat—and thereby begin to destroy—the entire MAGA GOP movement.

1 comment:

  1. The boy who cried wolf.
    Support Trump? You must be MAGA and must be destroyed.
    You're thinking of supporting Trump? You must be MAGA and must be destroyed.
    You don't support Trump but don't hate him and want MAGA destroyed? You must be MAGA and must be destroyed.
    You think there's only 2 genders, that anti-racism is racist, that America hasn't been an evil, fascist, racist abomination since 1619? You must be MAGA and must be destroyed.


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.