Monday, December 11, 2023

Maharal was opposed to Shulchan Aruch?

It was recently claimed incorrectly that the Maharal was opposed to the Shulchan Aruch. He was opposed only to poskening without knowing the source of the ruling and the background in the Talmud. A similar claim was made against Rambam. This was and is  widespread belief. The Shulchan Aruch is not to be used in a mechanical fashion but requires a talmid chachom. Just as one does not rely mechanically on Soncino or Artscroll for a definitive understanding

Criticism by Karo's contemporaries[edit]

Following its initial appearance, many rabbis criticised the appearance of this latest code of Jewish law, echoing similar criticisms of previous codes of law.

Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel[edit]

Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel (known as "Maharal", 1520–1609) wrote:

To decide halakhic questions from the codes without knowing the source of the ruling was not the intent of these authors. Had they known that their works would lead to the abandonment of Talmud, they would not have written them. It is better for one to decide on the basis of the Talmud even though he might err, for a scholar must depend solely on his understanding. As such, he is beloved of God, and preferable to the one who rules from a code but does not know the reason for the ruling; such a one walks like a blind person.[15]

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