Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Trump campaign likens Jan. 6 indictment to Nazi Germany

"The persecution of President Trump and his supporters is reminiscent of Nazi Germany, the former Soviet Union, and other dictatorial and authoritarian regimes," the campaign said, with a spokesperson of the former president saying that the investigation into Trump is "un-American," according to an Associated Press article. 

"This is nothing more than the latest corrupt chapter in the ongoing pathetic attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their weaponized Justice Department to interfere in the 2024 presidential election, in which President Trump is the undisputed frontrunner, and leading by substantial margins.”


  1. The Democrats have fallen into their own trap. I'm not criticizing the Justice Dept. indictment. I'm saying that the indictment itself, with all its presumably exquisitely crafted language, is irrelevant.

    We're dealing with a large segment of the public that has been primed to consider the Justice system as unfair to those on the Right.

    And sure enough, down the pipeline comes an indictment that fails in one major aspect: it doesn't have a literal smoking gun. The only person shot on January 6th was Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supported killed while mere seconds away from the doors leading into the chamber where members of Congress were gathered to formally deicide the winner of the Presidential election.

    So it's an easy sell to get some people to buy into the idea that Donald Trump is being railroaded.

    Once again, Donald Trump's enemies have paid him the ultimate tribute, in essence setting up the circumstances for his being able to rule from the Oval Office.

    If President Trump decides to plead not guilty -- and he will -- then the trial will drag on for years. It will become more important than the Presidential campaigns!

    Nothing else will matter. The trial will overshadow all other issues, polarizing this country like nothing else since the Civil War.

    Thanks Democrats!

  2. The issue is based on perception and the Dem's aren't helping with that.
    The perception is that there is a selective justice system - GOP crimes become national scandals. Dem scandals? Nothing to see here.
    Our blogmaster plays into it beautifully. Whenever you mention a Dem scandal or crime, he downplays it, write "Nope!" or says "Oh yeah? But, but, Trump!" The clear impression is: we're only interested in prosecuting crime from one side of the political aisle.

  3. At least you admit that there were "GOP crimes." Progress. Will you admit that to attempt a coup is a very serious crime?

  4. Wow Trump is A real American hero - like Al Capone Joe McCarthy and Benedict Arnold maybe as good as Jesse James or Bonny and Clyde or even Madoff or Jeffery Epstein
    If you want a measure of a man - check out who his heroes are!

    But you are absolutely right - the Republicans have convinced a significant number of Americans not to trust government which means not only the Department of Justice, FBI CIA and military but the police and all major media except for the propaganda outlets

  5. My point has always been that both sides are equally corrupt.

  6. The Founding Fathers were outlaws, too, at least according go the won.

    But overall, I liked that response to my comment.

  7. The public might not want another Biden-Trump race but that's what they're getting.
    Besides, Trump knows full well that with the speed the American justice system works at, his 2nd term in office will be long over before the courts get around to him.
    If the criminal trials are fast-tracked, then everyone will notice and the claims of a biased system weaponized to destroy its opponents will be proven correct in their eyes.

  8. Well, not so. Trump has set a standard of corruption that will be very hard to equal.


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