Sunday, August 27, 2023

Request for guest posts

Anyone interested in writing a guest post about my blog that I would include in my selected posts book? 

Critical constructive comments are also welcome!


  1. A guest post would be too long for me to write one, but my thoughts on the blog:

    There are a number of benefits I have gained from reading and participating in this blog.

    Firstly to learn and understand diverse viewpoints from textual sources starting with the Gemara, and coming through to rishonim all the way to modern or contemporary authorities.

    There is also the opportunity to discuss, argue and get feedback from the blog author, who has an incredible access to sources, be it the teshuvos of poskim, or earlier commentors and great halachists such as Rambam, Ramban, HaMeiri, Chatam Sofer etc.

    The other opportunity is to get into discussions with other commentors on the feedback on a variety of subjects. This can be with people who have strong background in learning, with wide knowledge of various sources, as well as the full spectrum of contemporary halachic and hashkafic viewpoints. What is interesting is to actually see the world from different viewpoints and traditions, and this allows one to reflect on what we understand at this present moment, or have learned or picked up in the past.

  2. There is a post that went up a few years ago, quoting a source which says that if you want your idea to get wider coverage, say it in the name of a great authority. I haven't been able to revisit it - can you repost?
    thank you

  3. Pesachim (112a): [R’ Akiva told R’ Shimon bar Yochai]: If you want to be strangled be hanged on a tall tree.
    Rashi (Pesachim 112a): Be hanged on a tall tree - ascribe your views to a great authority

  4. Could not find old post citing this but will write new post


  6. I know we have discussed psychology and in particular Freud in the past.
    It just occurred to me that the Torah has a mitzvah Zchor - remember what amalek did to you. Why are we commanded to remember, after all, who can forget such a trauma? And here I see that psychotherapy began in the Torah. It is telling us not to repress the trauma of amalek, but to remember!

  7. really?! We need to recall all traumas? So why is revenge prohibited and forgiving others is viewed positively?

  8. You omitted bearing a grudge.
    Because tochecha is the preferred (therapeutic) modality.


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.