Sunday, June 18, 2023

Trump Will Be Abandoned by MAGA Voters, Ex-Staffer Says: 'Dam Will Break'

Scaramucci said that a lot of Trump's former allies and those who used to work for him, himself included, dropped their support because of what the former president demands of those surrounding him.

"He wants asymmetrical loyalty, he wants to be reckless and do things that are borderline criminal, if not over-the-edge of criminal. And he wants you to sit there and defend him religiously, like some of the nut cases still working for him," Scaramucci told CNN presenter John Berman and New York Times reporter Astead W. Herndon.

1 comment:

  1. My prediction: The Democrats will do whatever they can to provoke Trump in order to force the GOP to rally around him and make him their candidate since he's the one they know they can beat. That means more charges and indictments, more new sexual accusations, and the like, all to manipulate public opinion.
    If Trump doesn't win the nomination, he will abandon the GOP and take MAGA with him. It might be a rump but it will be enough to cost the GOP the election just like Ross Perot did to Bush I.


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