Friday, June 9, 2023

Right-Wing Media Is Saying the Wildfire Smoke Is Good, Actually

Milloy isn’t the only talking head to dismiss the fires as nothing to worry about. Greg Kelly on Newsmax blamed them on “our woke friends to the north,” before describing the smoke as “manageable,” “not an unpleasant odor,” and “a beautiful, interesting aura.”

Kelly at least acknowledged that the smoke could be harmful for people with respiratory issues, but he of course denied that it has anything to do with climate change. “The White House is trying to exploit this, saying it’s all because of global warming,” he said. “I don’t think that’s the case. I think it’s a forest fire.”

1 comment:

  1. You know, back in 1991 a big Philipino volcane, Pinatubo, erupted so violently that its ash and gases blanketed the planet. The result was a significantly cooler summer and autumn because the sun's heat and radiation was blocked.
    So now we have massive fires doing essentially the same thing. Where I live it is currently 10 degrees colder than what it should be for this time of year. Again, because the smoke is blocking out the sun. (Well not today, today it's raining)
    So yes Kelly is right - it's a forest fire.


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