Monday, June 12, 2023

Jim Jordan Twists Himself Into a Pretzel Defending Trump in Classified Docs Case

Bash noted some of these discrepancies to Jordan, explaining that Smith found the Secret Service was unaware Trump was allegedly hoarding boxes of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. She also pressed Jordan on whether he had evidence that Trump declassified the documents on his way out, leading Jordan to offer what appears to be the crux of the GOP’s efforts to defend Trump.

“I go on the president’s word,” Jordan said. “He said he did and the Supreme Court said that’s what counts.”

In following “the president’s word,” Jordan seems to be following the lead of a man federal prosecutors indicted for, among 37 other counts, making false statements.


  1. “I go on the president’s word,” Jordan said. “He said he did and the Supreme Court said that’s what counts.” I agree because DOJ needs overwhelming evidence that Trump was endangering the US. Trump conducts foreign policy his own way, e.g. on threatening Iran or threatening North Korea which includes surreptitiously leaking classified documents etc.
    Allow me my letter yesterday to NYS Court of Appeals on my motion 2023-398:

    4.AD2 1996 gives history, cites cases where NYS courts ruled on child support for the ex-wife who lives in NY and the ex-husband in AZ and FL. Surely, NYS courts should try to keep contested divorces to a minimum. Ideally forcing the man to divorce his wife against his will, only under clear compelling evidence. The Talmud Sages make rulings on Jewish divorce law to prevent bastards and to prevent the agunah problem, I cite (Soncino) Gittin 33a;
    TO PREVENT ABUSES, What is referred to? R. Johanan said: To prevent illegitimacy. Resh Lakish said: To prevent wife-desertion. R. Johanan said to prevent illegitimacy, for he held with R. Nahman who said [that the Get could be cancelled] before [a Beth din of] two: [the proceedings] of two are not generally known, so she, not having heard and not knowing [that the Get is cancelled] might go and marry again, and bear illegitimate children [Heb. Mamzerim, v. Glos.]. Resh Lakish said to prevent wife-desertion, for he again held with R. Shesheth who said [that he has to cancel it] before [a Beth din of] three. The proceedings of three are generally known, so she hearing and knowing [that the Get was cancelled] would remain unmarried, and we have therefore to save her from being a deserted wife. [Hence the enactment of R. Gamaliel the Elder]
    5.My case never had a bastard problem and never had an agunah problem, thank God.

  2. You are simply ignoring Trump's confession to showing classified documents. So if you take all his words he clearly is guilty as charged


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