Thursday, June 8, 2023

Healing body or soul - priority

 Derashas HaRan 06:10) Therefore, there is no doubt that in these times one must earnestly seek healing for the soul and give it precedence to the healing of the body. And there is no question that every thinking man should place the healing of his soul before that of his body. For even as concerns bodily ailments the question is raised in the practice of medicine: If there are two ailments affecting two organs, which organ should be healed first? And the answer is given that the following take priority: first, that organ which is in greater danger; second, that organ which is the cause of the other's illness; third, that organ whose healing is a prerequisite for the healing of the other. And all of these three apply to the healing of body and soul. For there is no doubt that the danger to the soul is greater than that to the body, the body being ephemeral and the soul eternal. And there is likewise no doubt in my mind that the illnesses of the soul are the cause of the bodily ailments and that the latter cannot be healed without the soul being healed first. 

1 comment:

  1. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 8, 2023 at 9:06 PM

    He says that the soul takes priority over the body.
    But this opposes halacha, which says sakkanah overrules issurim, hence in case of illness, the body takes priority


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