Sunday, June 4, 2023

Following Haredi boycott, Angel Bakeries apologizes for chairman’s Bnei Brak protest

Following a month-long consumer boycott of Angel Bakeries by many ultra-Orthodox Jews, the chairman of the firm’s board apologized on Sunday for attending a rally last month in Bnei Brak in favor of national service by Haredim.

The apology Sunday by former public security minister Omer Barlev, who took up the top executive post at Angel Bakeries after leaving office, came in a letter that he left with his hosts following a shiva visit to the relatives of Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, the late leader of the Lithuanian stream of Ashkenazi Jews. Edelstein, a top adviser to the United Torah Judaism party, died last week at the age of 100.

Yaron Angel, one of the bakery’s owners, also joined the shiva visit alongside Barlev and left his own separate written apology.

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