Friday, June 9, 2023

As Canada burns, smoke makes US air unhealthy and skies eerie. Is climate change to blame?

While forest fires are a natural part of the ecosystem of Canada's boreal forests, the size, ferocity and number of fires this year is decidedly abnormal. Most of the country is expected to be under high to extreme risk for much of the wildfire season, which stretches from May to September.

"Climate change is real and having a huge impact on Canadians right now with forest fires burning across the country," tweeted Catherine McKenna, Canada's former climate minister.


  1. It's all about statistics. One year decades ago we had a bunch of meningitis outbreaks in Southern Ontario. OMG! An epidemic. But by the end of the year it turned out that the total number of meningitis infections in Ontario was the same as the previous few years, just that they'd clustered.
    So yes, this is a bad forest fire season but we wont' know if it's the worst ever until the end of the year. It might be. We might see an entire summer of this. Or it might taper away in the next month. Won't stop people from blaming climate change, of course.
    And anyway, the haze from the smoke blocks the sun and reduces temperatures so, in a crazy way, this actually fights global warming.

  2. Kalonymus HaQatanJune 9, 2023 at 7:22 PM

    That's what bill gates is trying to do, to pollute the atmosphere with sulphur dioxide or some other chemicals, to reduce solar radiation. Whacko woke craziness

  3. Oh I forgot. This is all Trump's fault.


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