Wednesday, December 7, 2022

United Torah Judaism sign coalition agreement with Likud

The Likud and United Torah Judaism (UTJ) announced late Tuesday night that they had reached an agreement over the jobs that UTJ will receive in the upcoming government and coalition.

The jobs include two ministers, three deputy ministers and four Knesset committee chairpersons.

The ministries are the Construction and Housing Ministry, including the Israel Land Authority, and the "Jerusalem and Tradition" Ministry, an expansion of the Jerusalem Affairs Ministry.

1 comment:

  1. Quick vort;
    Rabbi sacks ztl, the late chief rabbi once proposed to Anglo Jewry that raising sons to enter the rabbinate should be seen as prestigious as becomcing doctors and lawyers. (British Jews are largely traditional, professional, not even YU types).
    This is actually a hareidi view , or mild hareidi - ie Einstein is nothing, be a talmid chacham.
    But it is also wrong, according to Mesillas Yasharim _ where Ramchal attacks this prestige and gaavah of rabbonim.


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