Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Rabbis: Homosexual Marriage Bill: an Existential Threat


December 6, '22

Re: the threats posed by legal recognition of same-gender "marriage" 

Esteemed Leaders and All,

A vote on the homosexual marriage bill HR8404 is looming in the U.S. House of Representatives, after passage in the Senate last Tues., due to support of 12 Republicans, joining 49 out of 50 Democratic senators. In July, over 47 Republicans voted for a similar bill in the House. The more votes the bill gets, the graver the legitimacy that it will lend the the dangerous myth of homosexual marriage, and the graver the danger for "dissidents" who resist this antireligious edict ("Gezairah al HaDas").

Our Holy Sages, in the venerated Midrash Rabbah on the Book of VaYikra, 23:9 (on the verse Leviticus 18:3), identify the writing of marriage contracts for homosexual "marriages" as what triggered the Great Flood - the catastrophic deluge that destroyed the entirety of civilization, except Noach and those saved with him.

Attached are a few important items of interest. WHATEVER CAN BE DONE TO STOP THIS EXISTENTIAL THREAT NEEDS TO BE DONE ASAP, TODAY. We hope for a delay, to continue mounting pressure nation-wide, but ought to act as if there will be none.

Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Please ask to be transferred to (or for the number of) the specific Senator or Congressman needed.

A senior Orthodox activist explained to me years ago that it's important that the elected officials understand that in addition to being an issue of deeply held principles, this type of legislation poses a very real and present danger, and does so in a very personal and tangible manner. The politicians need to understand from us that this type of legislation is killing us.

Thank you again,

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,

Executive Director,

Help Rescue Our Children

NathanAdvisors@gmail.com / personal account

USA: 845-642-1679* «» 

* for calls and texts, but not WhatsApp

Israeli Helpline: 03-721-3337


  1. Very interesting, I'm wondering what the whole lgbqt etc squad will think of midrash that confirms that even ancient society was modern and had gay marriage ceremonies? Perhaps they'll brush off the flood as the end of the ice Age and then bring global warming into it.

  2. One must consider the context of modern society.
    For example, you have two men or two women raising children. Both "parents" get along well. They both work, provide a good home, good nutrition and good education.
    Across the street you have an old fashioned heterosexual couple. He's on welfare, spends too much at the local bar, gets drunk, beats his wife and occasionally the children who are dressed in old, dirty clothes and rarely eat a healthy meal.
    Modern society will wonder why you view the gay family with such horror and not the actually horrible heterosexual family?


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