Monday, December 19, 2022

NY Times editorial: Netanyahu government a ‘significant threat to future of Israel’

The New York Times published an editorial on Saturday warning that Benjamin Netanyahu’s presumed incoming hard-right, ultra-religious government represents a danger to Israel’s democracy.

The piece, titled “The Ideal of Democracy in a Jewish State Is in Jeopardy,” argued that while Netanyahu won the election fairly, the far-reaching power he is offering his far-right and ultra-Orthodox partners creates a real threat to democratic values.

The Times board said it has been a “strong supporter of Israel and a two-state solution” and would remain so, but Netanyahu’s incoming government “is a significant threat to the future of Israel — its direction, its security and even the idea of a Jewish homeland.”

1 comment:

  1. > The Times board said it has been a “strong supporter of Israel and a two-state solution”
    I don't think I could type HA HA HA! enough times to respond to this comment.


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