Saturday, December 10, 2022

Modern Orthodoxy is facing a long term existential threat

Avi Ciment’s recent series in The Jewish Press, The Modern Orthodox Conundrum (Part I, Part II and Part III), is an absolute must-read. The author rivetingly lays forth the issues facing Modern Orthodoxy and suggests solutions, with great detail and plenty of personal and third-person narrative, making the topic come alive and demonstrating just how serious and compelling the matter is.


  1. "Yishmael, Eisav, Korach and his crew, and even Bilaam and Balak can be viewed as the good guys, while our saintly Avot and Imahot (Patriarchs and Matriarchs) and Moshe and Aharon can be regarded as highly errant, unethical and even villainous"

    Total nonsense. Who has said this in the RZ world?

    It is actually more of a hateidi /satmar view if anything.
    The Brit of our forefathers is denied, and a fake Palestine /arab Brit is touted. This was part of rav sonnenfeld and his gay boy wonder de haan 'ß plan

    One extremist From the soloveitchik family was trying to prove that rav J. B. Soloveitchik had no pro zionist viewpoint , in a debate in tradition journ
    When it was pointed out that the rav emphasised the Ramban 'ß view on Eretz yisroel, the little one simply dismissed the Ramban as not being valid.

    So yes, hateidi are always denying Torah and rishoinim

  2. Where did all those Religious Zionism votes come from? Arabs? Chilonim?

  3. Wow The Modern Orthodox Conundrum. Not published my theory on Jacob's wrestling with the angel, in part:

    "In the rabbinic/midrashic view on Jacob’s return from his 20-year stay in Padan Aram, Jacob sends angels with a message to Esau that Jacob kept all 613 commandments and has plenty of assets. Jacob and Esau as boys use to argue on what’s better to go out to the field or to study Torah. Jacob tries to propitiate Esau with gifts. Jacob prepares for war. Jacob cries to God for His help.
    The night before meeting Esau Jacob faced a crisis: the ministering angel of Esau refuses to acknowledge Isaac’s blessings to Jacob. The angel dislocates his left thigh bone. From then on offspring of Jacob, Jews, don’t eat sinews of the thigh bone of cattle, sheep and goats.
    Jacob won that night when he forced the ministering angel of Esau “and he blessed him there.” Wow. Jacob sees Esau with Esau’s 400 men, all is well, thank God . Jacob no longer needs to divide to two camps fearing Esau will attack one camp and the other camp will escape (Genesis 33:1-4).
    “Jacob raised his eyes and saw --- and behold, Esau was coming, and with him, four hundred men---so he divided the children among Leah, Rachel, and the two handmaids. He put the handmaids and their children first, and Leah, and her children later, and Rachel and Joseph last. And he went on ahead of them and bowed earthward seven times and he reached his brother. Esau ran toward him, and he embraced him, and fell upon his neck, and kissed him; and they wept.”
    In the Gamara Rabbi Yochanan ben Zachai says that here Esau wept with all his heart."


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