Monday, December 19, 2022

Eidah Hachareidis Protests Violent Hafganah That Led to Woman’s Injury: “They Have No Daas Torah”

At a pre-Chanukah shiur at the Dushinsky Bais Medrash with Rav Moshe Shternbuch, introductory remarks were delivered by Rav Amram Oifman of the Eidah Hachareidis. He spoke about the woman, Mirel bas Rachel Leah, who was injured in a violent hafganah this past week.

Rav Amram vigorously protested the violence and the criminal acts of a group of extremists. Then, in the presence of Rav Shternbuch and the Dushinsky Rebbe, Tehillim was recited for her refuah.


  1. Funny how when these hooligans were just a threat to the seculars, these guys didn't care.

  2. Or the religious Tzionim

    When ponovezh thugs attacked Rav Goren at a Levaya, putting his bodyguard in hospital, there was no condemnation from their RY, or any of the signatories to the various pashkevils.

  3. Funny how you know this assertion - obviously living in Canada allows you to imagine what ever you want - even if it is simply an alternative reality

  4. therefore they condone violence
    These are just crocodile tears

  5. And therefore my point stands - the owner of a rabid dog only cares when the dog starts looking at him instead of the neighbours.

  6. Wow! So only you are such a pacifist that violence is never justified?!

  7. So you are saying it is simply human nature and has nothing to do with being Chareidi or secular?

  8. So you think it was justified?
    How about when Rav shteinman was attacked?
    Or internecine violence in ponovezh itself?
    Presumably you only justify the violence against Rav Goren?

  9. "only you" ad hominem fallacy

  10. What about wwI or wwII or the kitchen sink?

  11. Examples I gave were all hareidi yeshiva types beating up gedolim they disagree with. How is that related to Putin or Khomeini?

  12. Yes, the dirty truth is that the Chareidim, after all their PR about how holy and special they are in the eyes of God and how their behaviour is superior to everyone else's, are just another ethnic community with the same range of people, behaviours and problems. The political leaders are the same as secular ones but with a specific outfit out. The followers can range from the sincere to the violent. Some want to be there, some are just there because that's where they were born. There's really nothing different.

  13. What does that have to do with KA's argument?

  14. Problem is using the word chareidim.
    true chareidim fear Hashem, are aduk regarding halacha, and follow their Gedolim.
    There are large and growing populations, and they might contain semi hareidim, who dress like mainstream but are not fully observant of halacha, especially bein Adam v'chaveiro.
    That is not to say this problem doesn't exist in other frum communities, it does.


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