Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Trump joins conspiracists stoking doubts about Pelosi attack

“It’s a lot of bad stuff and I’m not a fan of Nancy Pelosi, but what’s going on there is very sad,” Trump continued. “The whole thing is crazy, and if there’s even a little bit of truth to what’s being said. The window was broken in and it was strange the cops were standing there practically from the moment it all took place. So, you’re going to have to explain that to your audience, including me.”


  1. שלום חבר נפגעתי ושבור לב כשקרה בעיה גדולה מאוד ביני לבין בעלי לפני שבעה חודשים בנישואיי. כל כך נורא שהוא לקח את התיק לבית המשפט לגירושין. הוא אמר שהוא לעולם לא רוצה להישאר איתי שוב ושהוא כבר לא אוהב אותי. אז הוא ארז מהבית וגרם לי ולילדיי לעבור כאבים עזים. ניסיתי בכל האמצעים האפשריים להחזיר אותו, אחרי הרבה תחנונים, אך ללא הועיל. והוא אישר שקיבל החלטה ולא רצה לראות אותי שוב. אז ערב אחד, בדרכי חזרה מהעבודה, פגשתי את חברתי הוותיקה שחיפשה את בעלי. אז הסברתי לו הכל, אז הוא אמר לי שהדרך היחידה שבה אוכל להחזיר את בעלי היא לבקר אצל זורק כישוף, כי הוא באמת עשה את זה גם. אז אף פעם לא האמנתי בקסם, אבל לא הייתה לי ברירה אלא למלא אחר עצתו. לאחר מכן הוא נתן לי את כתובת האימייל של זורק הכישוף שהוא ביקר. DR apata. למחרת בבוקר שלחתי מייל לכתובת שהוא נתן לי, ומטיל הכישוף הבטיח לי שאחזיר את בעלי ליומיים הקרובים. איזו אמירה מדהימה!! אף פעם לא האמנתי, אז הוא דיבר איתי ואמר לי כל מה שאני צריך לעשות. ואז אני עושה אותם בלי עלייה, אז ביומיים הבאים, באופן מפתיע, בעלי שלא התקשר אליי ב-7 החודשים האחרונים התקשר אליי להודיע ​​לי שהוא חוזר. כל כך מדהים !! אז הוא חזר באותו היום, עם הרבה אהבה ושמחה, והתנצל על טעותו ועל הכאב שהוא גרם לי ולילדיי. ואז מאותו יום הקשר בינינו היה חזק יותר מבעבר, בעזרתו של זורק קסמים נהדר. אז, אני אמליץ לך אם יש לך בעיות כלשהן, צור קשר עם dr apata בדוא"ל: או צור איתו קשר ב-whatsapp ו-viber עם המספר הזה: (+66 81 302 8552).......,,

  2. It's the Hunter-laptop scenario. We know the media lies, they invent "facts" and cover up the truth when it'll hurt them. So why should I believe the mainstream version of events?

  3. what is HB scenario.? Where you make up the facts, Who invented the facts? What facts do you claim were made up? Hint it wasn't the mainstream media

  4. The hunter-Biden laptop. Wait, you still believe it was a made-up issue? Oh come on!

  5. Tell me the facts - not what you wish they were

    NY post and conservative figures have been making unsubstantiated claims for a long time - what are the alleged crimes and where is the evidence?

  6. Know what? I don't know the facts and know what else? Neither do you. I wasn't there when this guy was attacked and you're also weren't so anything we think we know about the event is based on what the media has deigned to tell us.
    You're doing the same thing here that Jew-haters did when the so-called Palestinians claimed there was a massacre in Jenin a few years ago. Just like them, you're accepting the mainstream media's version of events and their selective presentation of the "facts" because you want to, not because you actually know the facts.
    What we both know is that the media lies and misrepresents in order to push its ideology. It's just that in this case you like that ideology so you pronounce it true and say that I don't know the facts.

  7. So now yiou are claimng that the media and police have conspired to make up lies and only Trump tells us the truth?!

  8. You admit ignorance of the facts but somehow you know 1) I don't know them either 2) The media is lying 3 ) Trump knows the Truth.
    How does your ignorance know all this ?
    You must be a self proclaimed prophet!

  9. Really. You were there at the house when the attack took place? Did you even speak to a single person who might have directly witnessed it or been involved?
    Our knowledge of the event is based on what the media has chosen to tell us. The same media that is declaring that a post-stroke lt-governor who can't answer basic questions without stumbling is actually completely fine and fit to be a senator. The same media that has established that the true indigenous inhabitants of Israel are actually the so-called Palestinians. The same media that ran an expose on how Bush II avoided national guard duties. The same media that ran a story about Trump golfing on x-mas when he actually in Afghanistan entertaining the US troops there.
    You don't know the facts any more than I do.
    The media lies.
    And I never said Trump knows the truth. All I said is that you and I don't.

  10. All of a sudden you are creating a ridiculous standard.
    If I didn't personally witness events I can't possibly know about it
    the police report and confession of perpetrator count for nothing!?
    I notice that you are not questioning Trump's account - even though he wasn't there - just heard rumors and read conservative conspiracy theories. Obviously Trump's lies need to be accepted!

  11. Again, never said that Trump was telling the truth. Never said his stories have any veracity. I'm simply pointing out (and it baffles me that you keep missing the point) that we are reliant on the information provided to us by others, others who have biases and an agenda which makes them filter the information they release to manipulate us into having the response they desire.
    If you didn't personally witness events then you are relying on someone else telling you something.

  12. BUT IN a post about Trump's lies you only criticized alleged lies of the media and claimed I don't know the facts. Obviously by ignoring the elephant in the room you were indicating Trump in contrast was truthful!
    Dr you think Trump was telling the truth while the contradiction from the media are lies? The police lied and the confession was a lie because of bias? Evidence other than conservative echo chamber?

  13. No, I was disagreeing with your defence of the media. Do you really need me to repeatedly say "Yeah, Trump's a liar!" Everyone knows that. My point is that you are in the position of "Trump is a liar and the media is telling the truth" and I'm telling you they're both liars.

  14. You are saying media lies but you don't know the truth - so on what basis are you saying media lies - hunterbiden laptop that you admiyt you don't know the facts
    Saying someone is lying while admitting ignorance of facts is rather absord - something typically done by the right wing
    In other words since so many people say it so it must be truei', the big lie

  15. No, I'm saying that you're seeing this as a team sport and you're supporting your team come hell or high water while I am saying the whole system is corrupt and both teams need to be trashed.

  16. Wow so everybody lies and we can never know anything without personally verifying it - something every doctor and scientist agrees to and that is why science and medicine must be rediscovered everyday

  17. Not everybody.
    If science was taught by anti science extremists, you would need to reconsider what they said.

  18. What about police -or media - do you always assume they are lying.?

    Do you believe in the evil of Democrats because it is repeated on Fox News and Republican pronouncements?
    Or do you believe anyone who is not Frum is inherently evil and never to be believed?

  19. Gemara doesn't say to assume everyone is lying, it says the person caught in a lie will be disbelieved when they tell truth.
    That's actually the reason the British prime minister Johnson was removed from power _ he just kept telling lies until he was forced to admit to them.

  20. You just don't want to get it. The system is corrupt. Both parties are corrupt. If the system was honest, Bernie Sanders would've been the Democrat candidate in 2020, maybe even 2016. If the system was honest, the GOP would've shown Trump the door after 2020.
    Yes the police lie. The media constantly lies, both Fox and your buddies. Seriously, you dn't see that? Just look at how the media you trust so much reports on Israel and all the supposed atrocities it commits against the Arabs.
    Corruption in Western society is endemic, from top to bottom. The stuff that used to be reserved for banana republics and Soviet officials is now part and parcel of Western functioning.

  21. You offered no evidence, admitted ignorance of facts so on what basis are you claiming that you know that not only both parties are corrupt but so is the system?


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