Friday, September 2, 2022

The Trump Show Is Good for Trump — and Biden

So Trump and Biden compensate for each other’s problems, and they are effectively working together to get Trump nominated — which Trump wants because it’s the necessary precondition for winning a second term and Biden wants because Trump would be the riskiest GOP candidate in a general election.

It’s not the most edifying relationship. Indeed, it’s a de facto partnership toward a demoralizing rerun of 2020. But neither Trump nor Biden is as likely to get where they want to go without the other.

1 comment:

  1. Here's my prediction.
    The Dem's tried to end Trump with the Russia Collusion Scandal. They failed. Turns out Hillary had more connections with the Russians than Trump did and so they now have to spend time revising history to erase that.
    So then they ran with the Jan 6 riots. Investigations! Depositions! A farce trial in Congress! Surely we'll charge Trump with something, anything! Nope, it's fading away from the news spotlight because ultimately all the "damning testimony" started with "Well I heard from a friend..." or "Well I was down the hall at the time..."
    What's left? Ah, documents at Mar-a-lago. We'll run with that! National security risks! He was gonna sell top secret documents to the enemy! Yeah, that'll get him! And despite it being a couple of weeks already, we haven't moved passed the "I heard from someone who heard from someone who knows what FBI stands for that...."
    Trump is the Emmanuel Goldstein of the Left. They need him to rally around because otherwise they have nothing to motivate them. Inflation, uncontrolled immigration, rising crime and murder rates, a demented president and a vice president who doesn't think you'll figure out she's a woman unless she tells you every time she introduces herself. They need him to rally folks likes you with Trump Derangement Syndrome and get them to go to polls in November. So they will continue to manufacture scandal after scandal and you're going to continue to get manipulated over and over again.


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