Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Vote for Lawler?!

Aug. 23, '22
Rabbosai, and all,

ONE flyer (attached), with the endorsement of the pro-To'aiva Log 
Cabin Republicans for [incumbent Assemblyman] Mike Lawler 
for Congress - with a little explanation in English/ Yiddish -
 IF PROPERLY distributed in time - could potentially turn the 
election against Lawler - 
especially in the Conservative Party Primary - 
if our experience years ago with our campaign against
 (subsequently disgraced) Assemblyman Ryan Scott Karben is any indicator.
Lawler had the temerity to post it himself -
 in the midst of a republican PRIMARY(!) - 
itself a testimony to the decrepit state of republican affairs:

Of course, Lawler earned his Log Cabin
via his hard work for their cause:
Most people don't understand that the primary battle here is 
not for a seat in Congress, it's for the soul of the Republican Party. 
THAT is a battle we can win, G-d willing,, regardless of the outcome of this particular race, IF the GOP understands that we will not vote for their transgenderist, Trojan Homosexualist candidates. 
We always have alternatives, even it's a protest vote.

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,

Executive Director,

Help Rescue Our Children

NathanAdvisors@gmail.com / personal account

USA: 845-642-1679* «» 

* for calls and texts, but not WhatsApp

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Because the Republican Party is perceived as redeemable. Compare to Democrats and their seeming unconditional embrace of Toeva.


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