Sunday, July 3, 2022


’ll be honest, I was nervous about attending the asifah. I know how deeply phones — any phones — steal our presence, and this happens right under our noses. I have plenty of guilt around this topic. But I knew I needed to push myself to go because I needed and wanted to be part of a revolution of 40,000 women gathering to make a significant change in this area. I was expecting chizuk and a strong reminder to make this nisayon a priority, instead of leaving it on the back burner. I was just hoping I wouldn’t walk out with any extra guilt.


  1. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 3, 2022 at 1:52 PM

    “Technology is compared to nuclear energy. It’s more dangerous than it is good. We need to learn how to remove ourselves from this nuclear energy.

    And if you are doing it l’Sheim Shamayim you will not suffer from it.”

    —Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel

    So stop using electricity altogether. They didn't have this kind of energy in the old shtetl, or in bavel, stop using it. Stop using cars, they didn't have these in chazal days. And stop flying, what's wrong with a ship?

  2. So basically the Taliban leadership of the UO community has decided that they can't be outdone by the real Taliban. Women are illegal. They can't leave their homes. They can't run businesses. They can't be connected electronically to the outside world. Oh, but they still have to work and support their husbands, only they can't have actual jobs.

  3. Kalonymus HaQatanJuly 3, 2022 at 9:29 PM

    Since we have more mitzvot than the talenanistas, there is more room to take halacha to the absurd level. The next generation of toldos Aharon, for example, don't wear any wool garments at all, for fear of shatnez. It's a bit like kitnios, but here, majority of Ashkenazim permit wool_kitnios.

  4. Also toilet paper. No toilet paper in the alte heim.


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