Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Angels are conscious beings with free will

 Moreh Nevuchim (2:07) We have already explained that the term "angel" is a homonym, and is used of the intellectual beings, the spheres, and the elements: for all these are engaged in performing a divine command. But do not imagine that the Intelligences and the spheres are like other forces which reside in bodies and act by the laws of nature without being conscious of what they do. The spheres and the Intelligences are conscious of their actions, and select by their own free will the objects of their influence, although not in the same manner as we exercise free will and rule over other things, which only concern temporary beings. I have been led to adopt this theory by certain passages in Scripture: e.g., an angel says to Lot: "For I cannot do anything," etc. (Gen. 19:21); and telling him to deliver himself, the angel says: "Behold I have accepted thee concerning this thing" (ver. 21). Again: "Take heed before him, and listen to his voice," etc. (Exod. 23:21). These passages show that angels are conscious of what they do, and have free will in the sphere of action intrusted to them, just as we have free will within our province, and in accordance with the power given to us with our very existence.


  1. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 5, 2022 at 6:48 PM

    Bible dated back to 1200 BCE

  2. Irrelevant to the discussion, which is about if angels are conscious beings with free will.

  3. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 6, 2022 at 12:36 PM

    there was no discussion on this particular post, so I haven't "hijacked" any comments.

  4. The comment section is intended/expected to be related the subject of the OP, not for other discussions.

  5. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 6, 2022 at 3:59 PM

    not seen your opinion as official policy - see the only recommendations that are visible on the home page:

    made by any poster - should not be assumed to be true until checked
    with authoritative rabbis. They are allowed only for the concerns that
    they raise - so that people can be alerted to investigate so as to avoid

    of a post is not assurance that it is accurate or in proper context.
    Even notices said in the name of major rabbis need to be checked out to
    see that they were actually authorized by those rabbis.

    2) My translations and other material that appears on this blog are copyrighted.
    © 2007-2014

    3) Any post with the name "anonymous" will automatically be rejected. Please pick another name to identify yourself

  6. Are you serious?
    The only rules you follow have to be written clearly and displayed?
    It should be obvious that discussion of a post should be related to the post.

  7. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 8, 2022 at 12:26 AM

    this was an empty post , now we are all sidetracked. In future i will search for previous posts on my chosen subject so it is not a digression, kol tuv.

  8. It doesn't need to be "official policy". It's a matter of common courtesy. Thread Hijacking is generally considered to be rude; and bad internet etiquette.

  9. Kalonymus HaQatanMay 8, 2022 at 1:18 PM

    So now you follow the urban Shulchan aruch?

  10. Even though there were no comments yet, on this particular post; but by jumping in with an irrelevant comment, you hijacked the entire thread.

    I see no problem in referencing a non-Jewish source, when it pertains to matters regarding appropriate social conduct (that do not contradict Torah law). If even non-Jews perceive something as inappropriate, then Jews should at least be aware of how others perceive this.


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.