Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Dr Ariel Muzicant and Schlesinger twins

 Von: HelpBeth Supporter

Gesendet: Freitag, 15. April 2022 00:32
An: Muzicant, Ariel <ariel.muzicant@colliers.at>
Betreff: Can you help?


Dear Mr Muzicant,

I gather at one stage you offered to help Beth Alexander find an amicable solution regarding access to her children. What changed and why weren't you prepared to help?

This appalling miscarriage of justice is putting you and so many people in such bad light and at the heart of this are two young boys denied access to their mother.

I am one of several thousand of Beth Alexander’s supporters and I sure you know that there is an increasing awareness worldwide of this appalling situation.

Something very shady has gone on here with a whiff of corruption at the heart of it. Dr Schlesinger is a known perpetrator of domestic violence, who had been previously legally barred from the household, so he could not have been awarded sole custody of his children without players influencing the courts behind the scenes. Schlesinger could not have acted alone, and it is known that some of his contacts in the IKG (Konstanze Thau and Jacob Biderman) influenced court decisions in Schlesinger’s favour in 2011.

I’m sure you’re looking forward to spending seder night with family members which sadly is not the case for Beth. Another year without her precious sons. Can you even begin to imagine what this is like this living nightmare?

She has in fact never heard her own children recite ma nishtana, nor has she spent seder night. She is being deliberately and systematically erased by her ex-husband out of her children’s lives.

The boys are now 12 and their bar mitzvah is coming up.They need their mother in their lives.

As a man with influence you know what needs to be done to resolve this terrible matter for all the family. Please do the right thing.


Thank you

HelpBeth Supporter


#ReunitingBethWithHerBoys #HelpBeth
From: Muzicant, Ariel <ariel.muzicant@colliers.at>
Sent: Monday, 18 April 2022, 13:26
To: HelpBeth Supporter
Subject: AW: Can you help?

Dear HelpBeth Supporter,

I really tried to help and I failed because both sides are impossible. And then Beth started to attack IKG with Stürmer type Videos and statements.

You are talking of “shady”. Please understand that Austria is a state where the rule of law is high and such insinuations are not acceptable.

Beth is cooperating with Moshe Arie Friedman, a close friend of Ex Iranian president Achmedinedzad.

So please do me a favor and do not contact me any further.

Chag Sameach

Dr Ariel Muzicant

1 comment:

  1. Ariel Muzicant completely ignores the fact that all Beth wants is her children who were legally stolen from her by Michael Schlesinger and his enablers. The converted judge Konstanza Thau who fixed it for him and her husband Kenneth Thau who supplied a false report to the court stating Beth was mentally ill. The only thing impossible here is Schlesinger's behavior. Why does he not address this issue. Shame on him and Vienna complicit in domestic abuse and child abuse.


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