Tuesday, February 22, 2022

“There is no Ukraine”: Fact-Checking the Kremlin’s Version of Ukrainian History


The frontlines of the frozen conflict between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists are criss-crossing the plains of the Donets Basin, but they are also running right through the region’s past. Russia’s incursions into Ukraine have enjoyed tremendous support at home and, in some quarters, abroad. Many have been slow to denounce them – or quick to embrace them – out of a conviction that the Kremlin has history on its side; that Ukraine has never been a ‘real’ country in its own right and that its south-eastern territories in particular are primordial Russian lands. Russia’s political top brass, including Vladimir Putin himself, appear to subscribe to this belief as well, and by all appearances it has directly informed their policy towards Ukraine. But as much as these assumptions may resonate with ordinary Russians, as well as some foreign leaders, a glance into Ukrainian history reveals that they are based on a dangerously distorted reading of the past. Ultimately, by redrawing borders and rewriting history the Kremlin is unlikely to have done itself a favour. Through its intervention in Ukraine it has galvanised most Ukrainians in their aversion to Russia and has thereby done a great deal to demarcate the perceived differences between Ukrainians and Russians more clearly than ever before.


  1. How old does a country have to be for it to be a real country? One upon a time there was no Russia either.

  2. After all the pogroms in Ukraine, and their collaboration with the Nazis y'mach shmam, why is the west or even Jews concerned about them?

    And as for NATO, is it fair or even wise for them to swallow up all of eastern Europem threatenting Russia to its very borders? This short termism led to many Western disasters, pushing Russia into the arms of Iran and vice versa. Sanctioning them , like the West did after Afganistan, then backing the precursors of Al Qaeda, whcih eventually led to 9/11. Then begging Russia for access to their air bases to ..attack Afghanistan.
    Sanctioning russia against their gas, then suffering a gas shortage in europe for the cold winter without a reliable soruce of renewable energy to keep us going. Then begging Russia not to limit their gas exports..

  3. Russia is paranoid about being invaded from the West but NATO has no plans. All NATO wants to keep Russia where it belongs.

  4. think about their venture into Afganistan, to fend of Islamists, and the Iranians. The Good Ol' president Reagan then slammed them, sent stinger missiles to the mujaheddin (jihadis), boycotted the Russian olympics etc etc. But history repeats itself - the mujaheddin mutated into Al Qaeda, leading Good Ol president Bush into afghanistan, in a repeat of what Commisar Brezhnev did 30 years previously.

  5. NATO enmity towards Russia will only hurt the West in the end.

  6. Yes NATO needs i8o show more love and obedience!? Wr don't want Russia to feel guilty or shamed either ?

    What planet do you live on?

  7. They did in 2001/2 when they needed Russian airspace, comrade.

  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia–NATO_relations

  9. NATO enmity towards Russia will only hurt the West in the end

  10. https://apnews.com/article/europe-russia-moscow-sergey-lavrov-f03d2f2f8e3086b0490d4f9e95cdf655

  11. Yes.
    See Russia already giving a bear hug to Iran.

  12. In December 2009, NATO approached Russia for help in Afghanistan, requesting permission for the alliance to fly cargo (including possibly military ones) over Russian territory to Afghanistan, and to provide more helicopters for the Afghan armed forces.[19] However Russia only allowed transit of non-military supplies through its territory.[20]

  13. Nope - there was cooperation until
    NATO felt Russia was taking advantage by spying. You obviously think that should have been ignored!

  14. I'm loving all the had-wringing in some quarters over the Russian invasion. About what you'd expect from Western nations with porous borders, safe spaces on university campuses, trannies in the military, and a general inability to act decisively because of their constant quest for consensus.

    Russia is a country with a leadership that has correctly gauged and leveraged to their advantage the wishy-washy West.

  15. Wow the West made Putin do it - the twinkie defense!

  16. Not so much a fanboy - the Russian bear is a very dangerous animal, so aproaching it with weapons, right near to its borders, is not a smart move, unless you know you can cage or kill the animal.

    What russia wants is some space around its own borders, as it fears being attacked again. This strategy of the West is making russia allies with Iran - whereas in the past, they collaborated with Nato and did not supply sensitive gear to to the iranians.

    Problem is, NATO do not want to get into a scrap, they do not want to fight Russia, or even Iran. All they can do is put sanctions on.

  17. If you play a game of chess, there are various counter moves.
    Do you prefer a strong Ukraine (chielmnecki) or a weak Iran?
    Problem is, the west will not defend Ukraine, and will also strengthen Iran.

  18. I think Putin is an evil man but he is a tremendous leader and strategist. The two are not incompatible.

  19. Why was it wrong according this blog for Donald Trump to build a wall on the southern border of the U.S. to prevent illegal immigration, but when Vladimir Putin sends troops to cross into the Ukraine it's fine for the Ukrainians to oppose it?

  20. If Trump encouraged stopping smoking, this blog would post cigarette advertisements,


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