Thursday, February 10, 2022

Support for Beth Alexander


This is the first time EVER that I have got involved in a campaign like this. I usually persuade myself that my contribution is marginal, others will be more influential, it will be resolved without me. But I was so completely shocked and distraught when I heard that Beth is still separated from her dear boys that I felt compelled to act, to do my best. I first heard about Beth's plight 10 years ago while we were in Cambridge and friends with her brother and sister in law. I was devastated for her then. But to think that this situation has been ongoing for a decade is unbearable. I call on whoever can to join the facebook group, show support, show that you care and that this issue will not be dropped. The court of public opinion seems to be the only avenue available at this point.
Dear Mr. Deutsch
I read with surprise and disappointment your letter to Rabbi Mirvis about Beth Alexander and your claimed inability to help a mother be reunited with her children in a meaningful way.
How can a communal leader in the 21st century stand aside and sincerely argue that abuse is an internal family affair? It's very clear in Jewish law that a recalcitrant man can be pressured by the community into giving a get, even with quite physical measures. How is this different? Whether or not it's Beth's ex-husband that needs to physically pick up the phone to initiate a change in custody arrangements, your community is in a unique position to influence his actions and therefore bears responsibility.
Responsibility for Beth's pain and anguish at not being able to nurture and love her sons and have a relationship with them
Responsibility for the gaping hole in the boys' lives that their mother and maternal grandparents and extended family could have had.
Responsibility for colluding with the corruption and injustice clearly meted out by the Austrian legal system in this case
Responsibility for the hillul hashem you bring upon your community with your acquiescence to this man's ongoing punishment of his ex wife and abuse of his children (all the luxuries in the world cannot compensate for a mother's love).
There are moments when leaders have the opportunity to really prove themselves. Perhaps for this moment you were placed in this position.
For the sake of two dear boys, of one mother; for the sake of justice and peace ; for the good name of the Vienna Jewish community, I beg you to intervene and apply appropriate pressure to ensure that Beth and her boys are reunited.
Enough excuses. Time for action

1 comment:

  1. It's heartening to see so much wonderful support for Beth and her boys. This has gone on for far too long. The corruption and lies involved are blatantly obvious. The boys should never ever have been handed to Michael. He was abusive and violent in the marriage and has continued with his abuse since. Both the rabbonim or leadership of the Vienna community have shown themselves up very badly. Why has nobody tackled Michael about his actions. Zero respect to Vienna for the letter to Rabbi Mirvis.


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