Monday, January 17, 2022

FBI Revises Assessment, Says Texas Hostage Situation Targeted Jewish Community

The FBI released a new statement on the Texas hostage situation on Sunday, describing it as a “terrorism-related matter, in which the Jewish community was targeted.”

The description of the situation revised a previous assessment on Saturday night, when an agency spokesperson said, “We do believe from our engagement with this subject that he was singularly focused on one issue and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community.”

The remark drew strong criticism from the Jewish community and many observers, who noted that the hostage-taker, Malik Faisal Akram, ranted about Israel and indicated to the hostages he believed that he would be able to achieve his aim by forcing them to call Jewish leaders in New York.


  1. Amazing how they did everything they could to avoid making this connection. A Muslim terrorist goes out to a small town, finds a synagogue and takes it hostage. And officially there's no reason for it! He didn't try to take over a small convenience store so he'd at least have snacks. Not a church. Not a social club. A synagogue. But no, there was no connection to the Jewish community! We can't say that because the Jews are oppressors and the Muslims are victims of Islamophobia and this would wreck the narrative!

  2. It'sa bit like Walder - did x,y, z, all against the Torah. People who would certify Kashrus, brish milah, etc said so. Yet all kinds of excuses, loshin hara is worse than athe 10 commandments, no, i don't know, this that. I wouldn't say abuse, maybe indsicretion, but i can't use that word either...


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