Thursday, December 16, 2021

AP FACT CHECK: Yes, Trump lost election despite what he says

Seeking to shame Republicans who are disloyal to him, former President Donald Trump distorted the Constitution’s meaning in asserting widespread voter fraud and insisting that state legislatures could overturn Joe Biden’s presidential win.

He’s wrong on all those fronts.

TRUMP: “Had Mike Pence referred the information on six states (only need two) back to State Legislatures ... we would have had a far different Presidential result.” — statement Wednesday urging Republicans to push out Rep. Liz Cheney as the No. 3 House Republican in favor of Rep. Elise Stefanik, who voted to overturn Biden’s victory in key states.


  1. This is how we know the Dem's are in trouble in 2022. If they were comfortable and confident, they'd ignore Trump. they know they're going to lose lots of seats and they're pulling out their Emmanuel Goldstein to compensate.

  2. As long as Republicans value Trump he can't be ignored

  3. Republicans need the votes he produces. If he goes rogue and starts his own party, it will bleed off enough votes to ensure a Democrat sweep in the next election. Remember how Perot cost Bush I the 1992 election? Same thing would happen here.
    It's the same reason the Dem's can't toss Sanders, AOC and the Squad out. They need their votes. The difference is that the media turns Dem radicals into chic heroes fighting for justice.


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