Monday, November 1, 2021

Pandemic restrictions were a blow to religious liberty - more nonsense!

I find that pandemic restrictions significantly reduced religious peoples’ well-being. These effects persisted even after controlling for a wide array of demographic features, such as age and education, and other characteristics, such as income and industry. For example, the restrictions led to a 4.1 percentage point rise in self-isolation among the religious, relative to their counterparts. And they reduced life satisfaction by 0.09 standard deviations, an effect nearly twice as large as the male-female difference in the same measure. 

1 comment:

  1. The restrictions were seen as an infringement on religious liberty because people took things that were not essential, made them essential, and then cried because they were restricted.
    At no point did the government forbid learning Torah or davening. You just had to adjust how you did it. But oh the screaming!


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