Sunday, November 7, 2021

In 1st for Conservative movement, women rabbis tie knot in same-sex wedding

  You could call it bashert: 15 years after a landmark decision in Judaism’s Conservative movement that paved the way for gay and lesbian students to enter its rabbinical schools and for rabbis to perform same-sex weddings, it would seem like destiny that two Conservative rabbis would wed.

Of course, it happened at Camp Ramah.

Rabbi Ariella Rosen and Rabbi Becca Walker tied the knot at the Conservative movement’s camp in Palmer, Massachusetts, last month, with yet another queer woman rabbi, Megan GoldMarche, officiating. Rosen’s father, Rabbi Jim Rosen, also played a role.


  1. Have open orthodox done this yet? I think they beat conservative to it!

  2. Let them do what they want but let them at least come up with a new name for their religion instead of hijacking ours.

  3. They want to, they really do but they don't have that "We follow halakha and if we don't want to, we just have a vote" escape hatch.

  4. They are conducting gay marriages, or at least, some OO rabbis with Orthodox semicha are doing it.

  5. As an aside...
    I heard once a Rav talk about this subject. He said a student with Gay tendencies went to rav Moshe with his problem. The response was to continue studying Torah to overcome the yetzer hara.
    Now, in the individual case, it perhaps may have worked. But the implication is that even in yeshiva graduates, and even rabbis, there are many closet feigayles, who may or may not have repressed their Gay natures, and in fact that continues to drive their behavior, thought, speech and action, not to mention psak.

  6. Calling oneself an Orthodox rabbi, while celebrating gay marriage and declaring it holy, is as Orthodox as granting kosher certification to Boar’s Head ham or including Wonder Bread in a Passover food directory.

  7. Look, it's a basic legal issue - Neither Moshe Rabeinu, a"h, or any subsequent leader of our nation took out a patent on the word "Orthodox". And in our day and age when people have "my truth" to bandy about, anyone can call himself Orthodox. Who's going to sue him for copyright infringement?

  8. Red herring.

    My point is about those so-called "scholars", who should know better, yet knowingly pervert the Torah. Not only are they not performing outreach or bringing their people closer to God, instead, they're leading them down the path to hell.

  9. it is no different from anything else reform and conservative have done- eating chazir, denying the Divine nature of Torah, and violating most of the commandments.

  10. Proud Conservative MomNovember 9, 2021 at 8:49 PM



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