Wednesday, October 6, 2021

New evidence emerges against COVID lab-leak theory — but the press keeps pushing it

 Here’s the true state of the discussion. There is no evidence that the virus leaked from the Wuhan laboratory or any other lab. There is no evidence that the Wuhan lab was working with a bat virus that had anything but a very distant resemblance to SARS-CoV-2. Viruses that resemble it much more closely have been found in natural settings a thousand miles from Wuhan, as the crow, or bat, flies.

1 comment:

  1. Here's the true state of the discussion. There's plenty of evidence that the virus leaked from the Wuhan laboratory. There is plenty evidence that scientists at the lab were working with a bat virus and possibly on gain-of-function experiments.
    But like Hunter-Biden, Biden's demented, Hillary bungled Beghazi, and all the rest, the press has decided to push a lie and repeat it, then announce that anyone who disagree with that lie is himself lying.


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